You have listened to the leading of the Holy Spirit, stepped out in faith, and started an online business. That's awesome!! But now...
You’re ready for your business to not just succeed, but to become the financial and freedom engine that empowers you to leave your current job, embrace the creative purpose God designed for you, and provide the resources to fuel your life and ministry—ultimately giving you the means to fulfill your calling, bless others, and glorify God in everything you do.
Not long ago, I found myself in a similar situation. I had a deep desire for my business to fuel our lives so my husband and I could serve God and others. But the reality was, my business wasn’t bringing in enough income to cover even our basic bills. I felt stuck and unsure of how to make it work.
Yet, even in the uncertainty, there was one thing I was sure of: God knew.
And little by little as I kept surrendering day by day...He helped me grow a business that completely changed our lives. As I look back over the past year and a half, I see...
Over $700,000 in sales
So many Spirit-led connections - including team members dropping in my lap to help me
The joy and fulfillment of living in alignment with God and His purpose for my life
The Christian Coffeehouse ministry coming to fruition
And this is just the beginning!
Things didn't change because I hustled like crazy, I ran Facebook ads, followed a blueprint or someone's new trendy strategy. It didn't happen JUST because I surrendered my business to God - because it's a partnership and there is work to do on my part. AND it didn't happen because God just changed my circumstances. Absolutely not.
As believers we KNOW that we are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we have the mind of Christ, and that we are to set our minds on things above. And yet many of us are completely unaware of the millions of thoughts that are flowing through our minds every single day. Even worse, we are unaware that some of these things are actually hindering/blocking/stopping our success in business.
This ALL became so apparent to me as I look back over the past 1.5 years.
Here's one example: I had a thought that I couldn't make a full time living ONLY selling low cost digital products. It wasn't something that I thought about on a regular basis - BUT because I didn't take it captive to obey Christ it was literally there in the background running the show. This thought had me going in circles and not really embracing what I REALLY wanted - a freedom business.
This thought DELAYED my success for at least 6 months - probably longer.
Guess how I make my living now? Through low cost digital products!! So what happened?
He changed the thoughts I was having about my business, money, and time. He changed my thoughts about WHO He is and WHO I am in Christ. He changed my thoughts about my purpose in Him. He changed my thoughts about the grace in my life and the gifts He has given me.
I was transformed by the renewing of my mind - and continue to be - this work never stops.
Romans 12:2 says: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
The success I have in business is not just for me, but for you too. God created you with unique gifts and a purpose—to dream big, to be creative, and to serve Him through the work He’s called you to.
But stepping into that calling starts with one critical step: renewing your mind.
Why is this so important?
Because your thoughts shape your reality. In other words...
Think about it...